Very intense, heartbreaking at times, flawed but likeable characters.This was an interestingly tough yet evocative book to read, it started slowly but that was alright, I got to know the two main characters of the book well enough. This was one strict heroine, she would not give up even a little of herself to the Hero and that was alright for the first half of the book. However when her emotions started to change, even then she did not give the Hero anything other than sharing time with her son. The book went from her being a victim who is strong to make something of her life to her being a passive recipient who does not really engage much with the man she loves. Perhaps its a trait of perfect people because that's how she was portrayed. I liked Aidan, with his flaws and all, but again I never saw the turnaround coming and suddenly he was there 100% for his family.
What I did see though was the love this man had for Libby. Itwas clear he did not know her well but he clearly adored and worshipped her, but that was the most realistic part of the book. The problem with falling in love when you are so young is that it is scary as hell, and the problem with men who fall in love so totally is that they dont really know the women they are worshipping. This is reality, mostly, and although it endeared me to him, I did not see the relationship as a lasting one.
The last part of the book was not well done where, there is a separation of two months before Libby gets around to checking on Aidan. The letters although sweet were thrown in as a ploy, and I too wanted to ask why it took so long for Libby to get around to contacting Aidan. I think she was still punishing him and although I believed in the happiness they had found where the story ends, a tough woman like Libby who believed in her accomplishments, both professional and personal, and put them above others would always want to hold the past over Aidan, even if she did love him. Still, it added to the realism of this book.
A last note about the writing, it was disonnected in parts, things would be referred to in conversation that had not connection with the previous section, the switching between Aidan and Libby first person was annoying, we should have stayed with Aidan, he showed more emotional growth anyway. But all in all, I am glad I read this book.